Your voice matters, and your environment needs your help.

Right now, the most impactful action you can take is making your concerns and opposition to the Fast-Track approvals bill known to the parliamentary members that will be voting on the fast-track approvals bill.

By taking the 2 steps below your voice can reach the ears of the decision makers that count. Keep reading for more information.

Your voice matters.
In just 3 simple steps we can ensure your voice reaches parliament.

  • 1. Sign the Petition

    Join Over 20,000 concerned kiwis in opposition to the Fast-Track Approvals Bill.

  • 2. Write Your Letter

    We’ve created an AI-powered conversational letter writer, designed to help you craft a personalised and compelling letter to all the government officials that will be voting on the Fast-Track Bill.

  • 3. Share The Sam's Creek Documentary

    We need as many voices added to our cause as possible. Share the “Sam’s Creek - fast-track to desecration” Documentary with as any people as you can.


Save Our Springs is an Incorporated Society. That means we have legal obligations to act in a way that conforms with the Incorporated Society's Act. We have a committee that often connects on Zoom. We keep minutes and have an AGM where the committee is elected by the members.

SOS is not a registered charity however we are grateful for donations that support our work. If you would like to donate, please follow the link. If you would like a receipt, please contact us on and our treasurer will provide one.

You can donate directly to our bank account:

Nelson Building Society

03 1354 04244251 00


Save Our Springs has always reached out to collaborate with talented and passionate people and organisations.

If you would like to help, please contact us here:



Media can contact the coordinator at

021 2361195