the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals Bill. The bill enables the Government to bypass the Te Waikoropupū Water Conservation Order which protects the springs. This bypassing will allow what is essentially an arsenic mine at Sam’s Creek in Golden Bay. The arsenic-filled rock will be processed in the Upper Takaka Valley. The rock will be crushed to fine powder and then passed through a chemical mix which includes cyanide to extract the gold.
The processing of this massive amount of arsenic brings very real dangers. Judging by similar mines overseas, over time, arsenic is likely to leach into the aquifer destroying the crystal-clear waters at Te Waikoropupū Springs. The same arsenic could eventually poison Takaka’s drinking water. Farmers who irrigate by using water from the aquifer are likely to be badly affected.
Save Our Springs has created a petition, that if successful will protect Te Waikoropupū Springs into the future. Please sign our petition below